
Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Maryland Teen Facing Five Cases Extradited from Michigan

An 18-year-old Carroll County man with multiple outstanding arrest warrants was recently extradited from Michigan back to Maryland and is now being held in the Wicomico County Detention Center without bail.  Additional charges have been filed since his return and now according to court records he has been charged with…


Salisbury Woman Arrested after Crashing into Home, Fleeing Scene

Wicomico County Sheriff’s deputies recently arrested a 23-year-old Salisbury woman for numerous traffic offenses after she allegedly drove into another person’s home and fled.  Shortly after 5 p.m. dispatch received a call detailing the crash, and when deputies arrived the suspect vehicle was still on the scene.  Despite heavy front…


Former MVA Employee Indicted for Bribery, Misconduct

The Maryland Attorney General’s Office recently announced the indictment of three individuals for their alleged roles in an identity theft scheme at an MVA branch in Baltimore City.  The individuals were indicted back in April and the scheme allegedly took place in 2022.  It is not entirely clear why the…


Supreme Court Upholds Firearms Ban in Civil Domestic Cases

The United States Supreme Court recently decided to uphold a federal statute that criminalizes gun possession for those subject to civil domestic violence court orders.  In the 8-1 decision, the Court appeared to offer a looser interpretation of the gun rights afforded by the Second Amendment than the previous landmark…


Department of Education Releases School Arrest Report

The Maryland State Department of Education keeps detailed records of all school related arrests, and since the 2015-2016 academic school year has released an annual report with detailed data from all 24 state jurisdictions.  The reports covers arrests made on school grounds or during off-campus school activities such as sporting…


Arrest Made after Alleged Assault on Officer, High Speed Chase

Carroll County Deputy Sheriffs recently arrested multiple individuals after an investigation of an alleged retail burglary turned into a multi-jurisdictional high-speed chase.  The incident began when a concerned citizen called police upon observing a suspicious U-Haul van that was parked at a residence in Westminster.  The van’s registration plate was…

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