Lawmakers Debate Juvenile Justice Bill

The HQL process is here to stay, as the United States Supreme Court declined to review an argument challenging the policy for purchasing a handgun in Maryland. Gun rights advocates have been pushing for repeal of the HQL process since 2022 when the Supreme Court declared the state’s “may issue” policy regarding the issuance of wear and carry permits was unconstitutional. This was a massive nationwide victory for the gun lobby, who apparently wanted to strike while the iron was hot. For a few months it actually seemed as if the Marylanders would no longer have to obtain a license in order to purchase a handgun as the HQL requires. In the fall of 2023, a three-judge panel struck down the State Police regulation that requires state residents to submit fingerprints and complete a 4-hour safety court before being eligible to obtain the license to purchase. However, the victory was short lived, as in the summer of 2024 a majority of a full panel of judges at the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia reversed the three-judge panel’s ruling and affirmed the District Court’s original decision to uphold the law.
After the Court of Appeals upheld the trial court’s original ruling the gun lobby had one more shot to make an argument in the country’s highest court, but only if the Justices chose to accept the case. They declined, and now the HQL lives on. Maryland citizens will continue to have to obtain a license before being granted permission to purchase a handgun. The requirements do not extend to rifles and shotguns, which are treated differently under a variety of Maryland laws. A Handgun Qualification License is not the same as a wear and carry permit, and anyone with a HQL who is found to be unlawfully transporting a handgun will likely be arrested and charged with a 5-year misdemeanor for wear, transport or carry of a firearm. While it may be brought up in mitigation, a valid HQL is not a legal defense to unlawful carry of a firearm.
With this victory by the Attorney General’s Office and the State Police, Maryland will continue to live up to its reputation as one of the most unfriendly gun rights states in the country. Each year many out-of-state residents learn the hard way how difficult it is to comply with these strict gun laws while passing through our state. If you plan on driving through Maryland with a gun or have been charged with a firearm offense, contact Maryland gun crime lawyer Benjamin Herbst anytime for a free consultation. Benjamin has successfully defended hundreds of clients in firearm offenses including wear, transport or carry, possession by a prohibited person and use of a firearm in a crime of violence. He represents adults and juveniles in crimes such as possession of a firearm by a minor. Benjamin is also an experienced federal gun lawyer who has represented dozens of defendants in the Greenbelt and Baltimore federal courthouses for crimes including possession of a firearm at a federal facility and other citations. There are numerous U.S. government properties (Fort Meade, NIH and Joint Base Andrews) and federally patrolled roadways in the state of Maryland (BW Parkway / 295), and these areas are all under the jurisdiction of federal law enforcement. Even a person who holds a valid wear and carry permit may be subject to federal prosecution for setting foot on a military base or federal installation with his or her lawfully registered handgun. Benjamin offers free consultations about all criminal cases and is available 7 days a week for his clients. Contact Benjamin anytime at 410-207-2598.
Maryland lawmakers are working toward limiting the powers of District Court Commissioners after a failed attempt to do the same during last year’s legislative session. House Bill 21 specifically focuses on a commissioner’s power to issue an arrest warrant in cases initiated by a civilian complaint. This reform is long overdue, as Maryland has become notorious for false arrests, which have unfortunately led to hundreds of unjust incarcerations. While commissioners from many jurisdictions are hesitant to issue arrest warrants in civilian complaints, Baltimore City has remained a haven for bogus warrants. The problem is then compounded by District Court judges who routinely hold defendants without bail over domestic violence allegations and any case that mentions the word firearm. Few judges will actually consider that civilian authored complaints could, and often are, completely fabricated. Despite the fact that the State’s Attorney’s Office is supporting the Bill, they share much of the responsibility for false incarcerations by recommending that many of these defendants be held without bail until trial.
Before continuing this article, it is important to understand how cases are initiated in the District Court of Maryland. Normally if an officer witnesses a crime, he or she will make an arrest called an “on view arrest”, take the suspect to the jail and write up a statement of charges. The commissioner will then review the statement of charges to determine if the suspect is released. Officers may also respond to a call for service and write their own statement of charges even if they did not witness the actual incident. This requires them to go to the commissioner’s office and thus is more work for the police. A case can also be initiated by a civilian who shows up in person at any District Court Commissioner’s Office. These offices are typically located in the courthouse or the jail and are open 24/7. As it stands now if a civilian writes a scathing statement of charges and mentions the presence of weapons (especially a firearm), a commissioner may issue an arrest warrant without ever questioning the credibility of the author. The commissioner won’t ask if the author has a reason to lie, and they will not conduct a background check. They will just review the document to see if the allegations are sufficient to satisfy the elements of the crime. In Maryland an arrest warrant can be issued against a totally innocent individual without a trained investigator or prosecutor ever talking to a witness or even laying eyes on the charging document.
If passed by the General Assembly, House Bill 21 will only allow a commissioner to issue an arrest warrant if the author of the statement of charges is a police officer or a prosecutor. A commissioner must also make a determination that the defendant’s whereabouts are unknown, the defendant has previously failed to appear for court, is in custody in another jurisdiction or is a danger to the community or the victim. This creates a logical layer of protection against false arrests that lawmakers and prosecutors have largely ignored for decades. In cases where a warrant is issued, the defendant and his or her lawyer may file a motion to recall the warrant, and the judge may agree to do so upon a finding of good cause.
The Maryland Attorney General’s Office is prosecuting four men for their alleged involvement in a multi-jurisdictional theft scheme that resulted in losses of more than $800,000 to various retail stores. Criminal indictments were filed in the Circuit Court for Howard County where three of the defendants are set for jury trial beginning in January. One of the defendants has already entered a guilty plea, and his case is set for sentencing in June of next year. The other defendants are each facing more than ten charges including criminal gang participation under Maryland Criminal Law section 9-804. Other charges include felony second degree burglary, theft scheme over $100,000, theft $25,000 to $100,000 and conspiracy.
According to reports the four men are accused of participating in at least 37 theft and burglary crimes from September of 2023 through June of 2024. Many of the thefts were allegedly committed during business hours, and some involved multiple people filling bags with merchandise at the same time to overwhelm store employees. Other thefts were committed after closing hours. A number of these after-hours thefts likely involved breaking and entering the store, and the resulting burglary charges. Retail theft continues to be a major problem for businesses across the county and especially in the Baltimore and D.C. Metro areas. Some popular retailers are closing stores and prices continue to increase to combat shrink, which is the loss of inventory that could otherwise be sold.
Retail stores across Maryland were targeted in this criminal conspiracy, which is likely why the Attorney General’s Office became involved. The AG’s Office typically prosecutes gang related activity and multi-jurisdictional cases in order to streamline the prosecution. These defendants are charged with committing offenses in Baltimore County, Howard County, Prince George’s County and Queen Anne’s County. Legally, a defendant can be charged with a theft crime in the jurisdiction where the theft occurred or where the stolen items were taken or stored. Theft scheme and conspiracy cases can be prosecuted in any jurisdiction where there was an act in furtherance of the crime. The press release did not indicate why charges were brought in Howard County, but AG’s Office often prosecutes cases in centrally located jurisdictions that are close to its Baltimore City office.
Juvenile crime was a hot topic during the last Maryland legislative session, and a controversial criminal law from that session is now in effect. Since 2022 with the passage of juvenile justice reform, juveniles under the age of 13 were not permitted to be charged with a crime unless it was an offense classified as a crime of violence under Maryland law. Crimes of violence include carjacking, robbery, assault in the first degree and attempted murder. Rather, these children were required to be immediately released to a guardian upon being arrested, and in many cases there were children who the police knew were involved in crimes but never arrested due to their age. Those lobbying for change argued that older children would frequently induce their younger friends, neighbors and classmates to commit crimes for them. This included a dramatic spike in car thefts in Baltimore City and County that gained nationwide media exposure after a child was accused of upwards of ten motor vehicle thefts without being charged for a single one. Younger children, like this child, were thus placed in more harm than exposure to the juvenile system could ever cause. Lawmakers agreed and passed legislation that lowered the minimum age to for when a child could be charged for certain non-violent offenses to 10.
The list of crimes includes handgun possession and other firearm offenses, felony animal cruelty and certain sex offenses such as sex offense in the third degree. Other modifications to the existing juvenile justice policy include adding a provision that requires respondents in juvenile delinquency cases to be placed on GPS monitoring if released from detention on a felony. Juveniles facing misdemeanor charges will not be permitted to be detained unless the offense involves firearm possession or in cases where the juvenile has a history of more than two delinquency findings. Respondents who are charged with motor vehicle theft may also be summoned to appear in court for CINA proceedings where DJS could be ordered to intervene in the child’s home life.
Juvenile justice reform has been a highly controversial topic since the pandemic, as certain juvenile offenses have skyrocketed over the last few years. Carjacking, firearm possession and motor vehicle theft continue to receive the most attention, but overall juvenile complaints rose 75% from 2021 to 2023. Firearm offense numbers are particularly alarming, as reports indicate juvenile handgun violations are up more than 200%.
Federal law enforcement officers have arrest two more suspects in an ATM theft and robbery scheme that allegedly resulted in over $8 million in ill-gotten gains. The two suspects from Prince George’s County were brought before a federal magistrate judge and held without bond on charges of conspiracy to interfere with interstate commerce by robbery. During the detention hearings the government alleged that both defendants were part of a group that had targeted over 75 ATM machines in the Delaware, Maryland and Virginia area since 2023. According to a detention memo filed by the government, the group allegedly used high powered tools such as gas-powered saws and Jaws of Life machines to pry open the ATMs and steal the cash. These ATM machines were primarily located in 7-Eleven stores, and the group apparently hit multiple stores in one night. The memo also laid out the common method in which the group would carry out the robberies and included using radios to communicate and splitting the responsibilities between opening the ATMs, destroying surveillance and subduing employees. Federal prosecutors emphasized that many of these robberies were carried out with firearms, and that search warrants executed on the suspect’s homes and storage units produced multiple handguns and rifles.
Numerous other defendants have been arrested and charged in this ATM theft and robbery scheme, but there have been additional reported incidents that are not related to this group. Both the Prince George’s and Montgomery County Police Departments have been on high alert for the past year or so, and PG County has a dedicated detective unit assigned to ATM thefts. A few months ago, another defendant was arrested for allegedly robbing eight 7-Elevens in Prince George’s County. This 31-year-old man from Upper Marlboro is facing a 44-count indictment in the PG County Circuit Court that is apparently not related to the federal conspiracy. He is currently held without bond at the detention center and is set for trial in April after several prior trial dates had been postponed. Since his arrest there have been additional incidents involving ATM thefts in the area. Recently a pair of suspects backed a 15-passenger van into a Montgomery County 7-Eleven and then loaded the entire cash machine in the back as they stepped over a mix of shattered glass and junk food. This incident would likely be charged as a theft and malicious destruction of property and not a robbery. If the store was occupied the defendants could conceivably be charged with reckless endangerment and even first-degree assault depending on the location of the individuals in the store. Robbery requires that the defendants assert some sort of force over another person to carry out the theft, and in most cases the penalty for robbery and armed robbery is significantly higher than theft.
The Blog will continue to follow this incident and other cases involving ATM theft in the area. We will post a follow up article if any newsworthy developments come out of the state or federal courthouses in Upper Marlboro, Rockville or Greenbelt. If you have been charged or are being investigated for robbery anywhere in Maryland contact Benjamin Herbst anytime for a free consultation. Benjamin is a theft and robbery lawyer who has extensive experience with juvenile criminal defense and gun charges. He represents clients in state and federal court and is available 7 days per week for a free consultation. Benjamin is also available on short notice for bail reviews and detention hearings and specializes in probation violation defense in all Maryland jurisdictions.
The Maryland State Board of Education recently voted in favor an emergency measure designed to mandate school administrators be informed when a student has been convicted or charged with serious crime. The emergency measure came in response to a 17-year-old Howard County student being found with a loaded ghost gun in his backpack after he was arrested on a warrant for murder. School administrators from Howard County were not informed that this student had been previously accused of attempted murder in another unrelated case and was attending classes while wearing a GPS ankle monitor issued by the Department of Juvenile Services. This student transferred from Anne Arundel County schools to Howard High, and during the transfer process neither principal nor the Howard County superintendent were informed of the student’s criminal background. The student reportedly would not have been allowed to attend classes in person had administration known about his past.
Previous regulations gave the original school system discretion about what information to share with the new school system, but now the sharing is mandatory for serious offenses including robbery, carjacking and sex crimes. It took an alarming incident for changes to be implemented, and the Howard High community is still reeling from the recent events that began with a shooting outside of a Columbia office building on October 5. The defendant was arrested at Howard High 10 days after the shooting and charged as an adult with first degree murder. He will also face charges for possessing an illegal regulated firearm on school property. Police say the firearm was a ghost gun with no serial number and a large capacity magazine. These firearms are illegal for anyone to possess, and Maryland law prohibits large capacity magazines and anyone under the 21 from possessing a firearm. The Maryland Public Safety Code also prohibits anyone under the age of 30 with a qualifying record of juvenile delinquency from possessing a firearm.
In addition to the Board of Education coming under fire, there has also been an outcry of criticism directed toward the Department of Juvenile Services and its leadership. Concerned citizens are questioning why the 17-year-old student was out of custody in the first place, much less attending classes at a public high school. DJS seemed to deflect responsibility about reporting requirements to the police and the State’s Attorney’s Offices, who are required to report certain information to schools. They also noted that juveniles are detained by DJS when charged with certain high-risk category 1 offenses, but it is then the judge’s call whether to release or hold at a detention hearing on the next business day. Ultimately it is up to lawmakers to develop policy where decisions are not left up to DJS officials who can find themselves choosing between unlawful disclosure of juvenile records and protecting the public.
A Montgomery County man was arrested over the weekend in North Carolina after he allegedly stole an 87-year-old Veteran’s car with his dog inside. Reports indicate that the defendant forcibly took the victim’s keys from his pocket before stealing his car and dog from the parking lot of a Pennsylvania retail store. Pennsylvania authorities charged the defendant with carjacking and theft and had been searching for him for over a week before he surfaced more than 500 miles away. North Carolina authorities received a call about a suspicious Ford Focus with Pennsylvania plates and as they encountered the suspect vehicle it become clear that the car was stolen. After attempting a traffic stop the defendant sped away, allegedly reaching speeds of more than 100 mph on Interstate 95 before crashing from police executed a PIT maneuver. The PIT maneuver is also known as tactical vehicle intervention and is an effective but controversial method for police to disable a fleeing vehicle by forcing it into a spin. Luckily there were no injuries from the high-speed chase, but North Carolina officers did allege the defendant intentionally rammed a police vehicle. As a result, the defendant was charged with assault with a deadly weapon along with felony hit and run and reckless driving. He is currently incarcerated in North Carolina and will eventually be extradited to Pennsylvania and ultimately Maryland.
It turns out that the defendant has numerous criminal contacts within Maryland and was recently incarcerated at the Montgomery County Detention Center just weeks before this multi-state crime spree that left at 87-year-old Vet without his pet and sidekick. The defendant was placed on probation in Frederick County for unauthorized removal of a motor vehicle this past March. His probation judge issued a violation of probation bench warrant in July and then he was arrested in August for theft and false statement to a law enforcement officer. Despite the VOP warrant and the new pending case he was released by a Montgomery County District Court judge on an unsecured bail. Three weeks after his release he received another criminal charge for theft but was issued a citation and never arrested. The alleged carjacking in Pennsylvania occurred just 4 days after the theft citation.
The defendant may not face a Maryland judge for months or even years as it seems his situations in North Carolina and Pennsylvania are far more serious. He will most likely miss his three court dates in Maryland and be issued failure to appear bench warrants. The warrants will serve as detainers and Maryland will be notified before he is released from any sentences served out-of-state. When he was incarcerated in Montgomery County back in August the defendant certainly had a valid argument for release on the violation of probation and the theft charge. Neither of the cases were violent in nature and the bail review judge could never have predicted the defendant would make the jump from theft to carjacking and aggravated assault in a matter of weeks. Nevertheless, these are the kind of cases that judges hate and are a large reason why so many defendants are held without bail at the district court level.
Maryland State Police troopers recently arrested a woman for allegedly pointing a gun from her BMW SUV at another motorist in Prince George’s County. The 37-year-old woman was arrested at her home the day after the alleged road-rage incident and charged with two counts of first-degree assault, one count of second-degree assault, use of a firearm in a crime of violence and loaded handgun in vehicle. She was held without bail by a District Court Commissioner but granted release on private home detention at her bail review in front of a judge. According to the MSP press release the woman allegedly pointed a firearm at another driver on Route 5 in PG County. The other driver apparently had a child in the vehicle at the time of the incident. Law enforcement officers were able to locate the suspect’s vehicle at her residence later that day and seized two loaded handguns from the BMW. MSP also stated that the woman attempted to destroy evidence by smashing her cell phone during a police interview, though she was not charged with obstruction of justice or tampering with evidence.
The defendant is set for a preliminary hearing in October at the Upper Marlboro District Courthouse. The preliminary hearing will likely not occur, as they rarely do in Prince George’s County. The State will likely nolle pros. the case on the preliminary date and then indict the matter in the circuit court. It does not appear that the defendant has any prior convictions in Maryland, so her defense lawyer may be able to argue for the felony assault to be dropped assuming the State can prove its case. The defendant must also focus on the charge for use of a firearm in a crime of violence, which is classified as a misdemeanor but carries a harsh 5-year mandatory sentence and a 20-year maximum penalty. The State and eventually the judge will certainly be concerned about the presence of firearms on a public highway and the fact that a child was inside the victim’s car. There may not be any direct proof that the gun was loaded at the time of the alleged assault, though the State may be able to establish this based on circumstantial evidence that it was loaded at the time police executed the search and seizure.
Under Maryland law a person can be charged with felony first-degree assault for causing or attempting to cause serious physical injury, strangling another person or committing an assault with a firearm. In firearm cases like this one, the defendant does not have to discharge the gun or use it to strike the victim to be charged. The only requirement is that the defendant commit a simple assault with a firearm, which can be any act that places the victim in fear of immediate harm. If you have been charged or are being investigated for assault or use of a firearm, contact Maryland gun crimes attorney Benjamin Herbst anytime for a free consultation. Benjamin specializes in aggravated assault with a firearm, domestic assault, possession of a firearm by a disqualified person or convicted felon and use of a handgun in a crime. He is available on short notice for bail reviews in all Maryland counties and can file a motion to recall your arrest warrant or bench warrant if you have missed court. Contact Benjamin 7 days a week at 410-207-2598 and learn what defenses may be available in your Maryland gun charge.
Back in January MDTA Police Officers responded to a serious accident on the Queen Anne’s County side of the westbound span of the Bay Bridge. Upon arrival shortly before 8 a.m. police determined the crash involved 23 separate vehicles with 12 individuals requiring immediate medical attention. The westbound span was closed for about 5 hours as investigators and first responders cleared the scene and provided all necessary medical attention. After that, we did not hear much about the incident until recently when investigators and the State’s Attorney for Queen Anne’s County made the decision to charge the person allegedly responsible.
According to reports, accident investigators determined that a 48-year-old woman from Queen Anne’s County was the party responsible for the pile up. The woman was allegedly driving her 2018 Honda Civic at a high rate of speed shortly before she lost control. MDTA crash investigation officers who are part of the Collision Reconstruction Unit have specific training in crash recreation and will use all information available to conclude who was at fault. The Bay Bridge is a heavily monitored roadway with numerous cameras always recording. While charges were not filed until several months after the incident, investigators likely zeroed in on their suspect shortly after arrival on scene. The defendant was ultimately charged by way of criminal information in the Circuit Court for Queen Anne’s County located in Centreville. A criminal information is simply a document that the State’s Attorney’s Office files with the Clerk of Court to initiate a criminal case. This document is similar to an indictment but does not require a grand jury or the police to determine probable cause. In a sense, the criminal information cuts right to the chase, as the office that is prosecuting the case ultimately has final say in which charges will be pursued. While all the charges filed are misdemeanors, the State chose to file the information in the Circuit Court due to the complexity of the case, and the fact that the defendant would likely ask for a jury trial. When the State directly files a criminal information, they often ask for an arrest warrant to issue. In some cases, there is a request for a pre-set bail, while in others the defendant is ordered to be held until being brought before a Circuit Court judge.
The charging document includes 15 counts of both traffic and criminal law violations. The traffic violations are DUI, DWI, driving on suspended license, reckless and negligent driving. The defendant is accused of being impaired by alcohol in the 21.902 (a) and (b) violations and impaired by drugs in the 21.902 (c) violations. The criminal law violations include six counts of causing life threatening injury by vehicle while under the influence, which is a misdemeanor with a 3-year maximum prison sentence. While the defendant does have a prior impaired driving case, she was granted probation before judgment, so she is not considered a subsequent offender. Had she been convicted in her 2022 DWI case (also in Queen Anne’s County) the life-threatening injury charges would have carried up to 5 years in prison upon conviction.